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    09 Aug

    Tips for Saving Time When Moving

    By the time moving day arrives, you just want to get it over with already. Moving to a new house is a time-consuming process, and a lot of the effort comes into play before you even get to the move.

    The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of time on the moving process. We’ve put together a few key tips to help you save time when moving, so you can start making yourself at home.

    Make a Schedule

    closeup of a pencil and check list of to-do items

    This seems more like an obvious aspect than a hot tip for the organized ones among us. Making a schedule is crucial to saving time while moving. By planning the process, you’ll be able to tackle your tasks with ease and won’t risk scrambling at the last minute to get things done.

    Start 60 days before your move and make a checklist of things you need to do. Include even the things you’re sure you could never forget. Things can easily fall through the cracks in the busyness of planning and moving. By having them on your list, you’re sure to remember them. And on the plus side: you’ll get the satisfaction of ticking things off the list.

    Make sure to set due dates and fight the urge to save the harder or more tedious items for last.

    Arrange Your House for Moving Day

    Check with your Packers and Movers Pune to Ranchi first to see if they’ll unplug your appliances if you’re moving them. Many movers won’t do it for you (or will charge more if it’s a services you need), so plan ahead. That includes light fixtures and other electronics.

    Next, you’ll want to prepare your home for navigating the space with boxes and furniture. Clear walkways and ensure the path to the door is open. Tell your movers in advance if there are things in your home that you aren’t taking with you. That will save you time and effort during the move.

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