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    27 Mar

    Why you should only use a professional Packers and Movers in Delhi

    On the morning of the transfer, a couple heard the doorbell ring and enthusiastically opened the door to welcome their transfer party. Two “packers” were standing in the doorway and both were even worse for getting drunk at 8am, and even one was so drunk he could barely get up.

    Apparently they were out “all night” and went straight to work the next morning.

    This may sound like fun, but there are certainly very serious points in the story. It is very important to ascertain who you are allowing into your home and whether they are Reliable. This is true in all circumstances, but in the case of a professional packers & movers Delhi company, they should also be able to handle your household items with the utmost care and attention.

    So the most obvious lesson to learn is don’t just ask a “friend of a friend” who also owns a van to do the transfers for you. The risks associated with mishandling your items and theft should frankly be too great to consider.

    But even if you hire an officially registered mover, you have to think about how well they know their own people. Some companies regularly increase their workforce every day by taking odd jobs. It’s easy to give one of your uniforms to someone you’ve never seen or heard of before and then have it delivered to the customer’s home.

    There is nothing wrong with transferring aspects of their work to another company – a packaging services can be a good example. The real question is how thoroughly they have vetted the individuals or businesses involved before effectively giving them management of your home and property for free.

    Here are some questions to ask potential movers before you give them access to your home:
    • Are all employees entering your property employees of the company you are moving from?
    • How long do the staff assigned to movers actually work?
    • If the employee is relatively new, what checks have been carried out as part of their job?
    • If freelance work is involved, the above question should be asked again with only added emphasis.
    • If all or part of the move is subcontracted by your mover, what other companies do they use and how long have they worked with them?
    • If subcontracting is used, do your movers make sure they know not only the companies they hire business with, but also the people they use for things like packing your things?

    Keep in mind that if a mover has subcontracted something like a packer and then the packer in turn does the job indiscriminately, your protection is effectively nil.

    Be on the lookout for stories that involve casual work but with the assurance that one of your movers will be there to “watch things”. In practice, when you and your packer/carrier explore the rooms in your home, it’s completely impossible to try to track everything other people do.

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